
Showing posts from July, 2018

Reviewing my work


Making my blog ready for Assessment by my Peers

Health and Safety

The Health and Safety work act Fire safety: fire alarms and evacuation points are present throughout the college as well as emergency lifts for people with mobility problems. First aid: First aid kits are present throughout the building and multiple members of staff have training. Electrical safety: no charging phones with faulty wires. Lighting: decently lit rooms and no flashing lights. Heating: between 17 - 24 degrees in all rooms. Ventilation: working vents throughout the building. Working: hours: less than an hour in front of screens and no more than 4 hours without breaks. Computer misuse act: Personal identity theft from hackers could take your emails, passwords, banking details and I.P address. Things such as virus, malware, ransomware, keylogger and discovering passwords can be caused by hackers. It is illegal to access unauthorised information and can lead to you getting a strike which is a

Animated Gifs

I saved the image then inserted it with the picture button persistence of vision (where you think something is moving when its not) frames/frame rate-at least 12 professional is 25(uk) and 30(us) I got 2 images and placed one over the other on photoshop then save them both and put them on a website called animated gif maker

Embedding Audio

I added the video with the insert video button I added this video with band camp <a href="">Friday The 13th EP by Moons</a>

Embedded Video

I clicked the clapper board which inserts a video I went to YouTube and clicked share but pressed imbed Play free games at Kongregate I copied the imbed code under the game and added it with the HTML button

Digital Photography

these rat and pig images are the ones I took

Digital Graphics in My Blog

I saved an image from google and used the insert image button. this is a link to the image that I posted by adding a link: Ymo_UcAAWdpc.jpg& 2Fstatus%2F1062738085979586560&docid=KcX0gauamCrv9M&tbnid=Db3jbnoUKeq8 LM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjFrNjMm9PlAhWCr3EKHYSRCx0QMwh_KAUwBQ..i&w= 1080&h=1080&bih=855&biw=1200&q=emily%20wants%20to%20play&ved=0ahUKEw jFrNjMm9PlAhWCr3EKHYSRCx0QMwh_KAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 this is a photograph I retouched in photoshop were I blurred the face of the people in the background the game cover I made Danielle McHugh 

What to Consider when making a blog post

What to consider when making a blog: when making a good blog you have to give it a good title that wont be removed or misread as something inappropriate. The information should be accurate and have no spelling mistakes while also having updated and live links. When researching different blogs I managed to see how to format my blogs as well as what to include and not to do on them. Danielle McHugh

Purposes of Blogs

my blog is to showcase my coursework into different media this blog describes a film about war these blogs describe games Danielle McHugh

Research into other blogs showing different types of multimedia and interactivity

these are examples of well made blogs ` in the BioShock blog there is a hyper link (a link that you click on), a hotspot (a place to click which does something), and a rollover (when something is highlighted as your cursor goes over it) . this has lots of interactive media functions: thinglink :embed content(like videos, text and images) inside another image snapapp :make from calculators to surveys  guides .co:add images and videos to standard whitepaper  webyclip: highlight specific things in a video mapme :interactive mapping tool  the looking at these blogs has given me ideas for my own blog  Danielle McHugh